The Bilingual Resource Development Unit was established at Yuendumu School in 1974 to assist with the production of Warlpiri teaching materials, like Warlpiri story books, readers, phonic charts, song books, and so forth. Over the years the BRDU has built up a solid collection of Warlpiri resources which are used in all schools in the Warlpiri areas, such as at Lajamanu, Willowra, Nyirrpi, Yipirinya and Yuendumu Schools. The school encourages high levels of participation by Warlpiri speakers and all interested people to ensure that suitable teaching materials can continue to be produced. Today we are starting to focus more on greater digitisation of resources for interactive online teaching use.
Warlpiri Stories and Teaching Materials
Yuendumu school follows a 3-year theme cycle. Select the theme below to access resources.

Phonics readers, resources and workbooks.

Warlpiri songs, audiobooks, videos and photos.

Warlpiri lessons for non-warlpiri speakers.
Warlpiri Books