Learn the Warlpiri Language
Lesson 5: Vocab; suffix - towards/away; suffix- for; and 'command' ending '-ya'
Lesson 6: Vocab & verbs; past tense '-rni' verbs; suffix - ergative 'doing something to something'; not; back.
Lesson 7: Vocab & verbs; asking name/skin name; belonging to; introduction to skin names
Lesson 8: Vocab & verbs; mine/your, family words and belonging terms; personal pronouns.
Lesson 9: Vocab & verbs; past tense of '-nyi' verbs; suffixes -object endings for them/you/me; suffix - 'to him/her'
Lesson 10: Vocab and verbs; personal pronouns - all 10!; subject suffixes; suffix - 'because of/lest'
Lesson 11: Vocab & verbs; later; suffixes - direct/indirect object
Lesson 12: Vocab & verbs; transitive/intransitive verbs
Lesson 13: Vocab & verbs; what for; what from; how many; when; today/yesterday/tomorrow; numbers; 'if'; in order to; while; then; when.
Warlpiri Lesson 1 Audio
Warlpiri Lesson 2 Audio
Warlpiri Lesson 3 Audio
Memrise Courses
These are courses made by BRDU staff. They are on the Memrise community course website.
These are in the process of being created with audio.
This can be accessed on your computer and mobile phones, through the internet browser. Save the link directly to your phone home screen and it turns into its very own app.

Useful Conversation Phrases
Useful Basics
Yuwayi: yes
Lawa: no
Ngurrju: good
Wati: man
Karnta: woman
Kurdu: child
Yapa: Aboriginal person
Kardiya: non-aboriginal person
ngurrju - mayinpa?: how are you?
nyiya nyampuju?: what is this?
ngana nyampuju?: who is this?
Junga: true, that’s right
nyiya-nyiya: skinname
wiyarrpa: poor thing
ngakarnangku nyanyi: see you later
ngaka: later
yaruju!: hurry!
murnma: wait!
warlka: lies
Ngajurna mata: I’m tired
Ngajurna wardinyi: I’m happy
Ngajurna wajampa: I’m sad
Ngajurna yarnunjuku: I’m hungry
Ngurrju-mayinpa?: how are you feeling?
Yuwayi, ngurrjurna: I’m good/well
Lawa, majurna: I’m not good/well
[Jurru] karna murru-murru jarrimi: my [head] is hurting
Wiyarrpa: poor thing (used for something unfortunate, not just sickness)
Warlpiri Help
Pina-jarrimi karna Warlpiri: I am learning Warlpiri
Nyiya yirdiji [Warlpiri word]?: what is this word [Warlpiri word]?
Nyarrpa karna wangkami [word] Warlpiriji?: How do I say [English word] in Warlpiri?
Wangkaya Warlpiri: speak Warlpiri